St. Francis Neighborhood Center // 2019-Present
Brand Development & Expansion
St. Francis Neighborhood Center is the oldest neighborhood center providing enrichment in all of Baltimore City. They were founded in 1963 to serve a growing segment of our community in need of inaccessible services. By utilizing education, art, mentoring and tutoring SFNC works to provide people with the tools they need to advance their lives financially and socially, while fostering positive interpersonal and community connections.
Although SFNC has been in the community for almost 60 years, the non-profit’s focus on direct service led to them being less well known than some of their their newer counterparts. To support their expansion and growing services, they needed a branding and marketing overhaul.
I developed SFNC’s existing brand guidelines and created a wide range of brand collateral including letterheads, stationery, postcards, business cards, email templates and guidelines, t-shirts, banners, event kits and more.

Annual Report 2019-2020
I collaborated with SFNC program and development staff to define and collect essential annual report statistics and updates from the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years into a tri-fold brochure for current and potential supporters, community members, partner organizations and more.
Logo Design: Power Project
The Power Project, the St. Francis Neighborhood Center after school program, is one of the only free academically based after school programs serving in the 21217 zip code. The program is a unique place where youth have the opportunity to be children, create their own success, grow in self-awareness, and empower themselves and their community. I worked with the program director and social media high school intern, who was a former power project student, to update the Power Project logo.
We wanted to honor the original concept of interlocking hands but agreed that the organic shapes and scale of the original logo clashed with our new brand guidelines. I abstracted the hands into a geometric design that could be repeated continuously. I then printed out the logo options to get feedback from students and community members at a “stoop night” event held by the Center. We opted for the multi-color design. I think our intern put this best: “I get the skin-tone version but I like all the different colors better. It shows that what makes us different inside is also why we work so well together”
Social Posts & Infographics
Small nonprofits rely heavily on social media for communication with community members, supporters, volunteers and funders. To diversify our social media, each staff member is responsible for a post each week. However, most staff members have limited time to create and produce flyers for their events.
To streamline the social media process, I designed infographics and flyer templates, for SFNC to share information about programs, upcoming events, special initiatives and more. I created these designs as original, modular templates using the collaborative web-based design program Canva so that program and fundraising staff can modify and adapt for future use.